Every SMALL Group is different because of the nature of the people involved.  We have groups that consist of various folks.  But, each group focuses on the following criteria; praise and worship and a relationship with God.

Each group gathers to study the Word of God and to share personal experiences with one another.  There is also time allotted for conversation and fellowship.  And the most important segment is time spent in praying for each other.

For those interested in joining or starting an Apostles SMALL group now is the time. 
For more information about Apostles SMALL groups, please contact the Church office at 547-4692 or at

Listed below are the SMALL groups that are currently meeting.  Please feel free to contact the leaders of the group with any questions you might have.



Jim & Susan Weaver, 609-3294


Dale & Lisa Hirschman, 421-0401


Men's Group (Jim Weaver, 609-3294)